How do I "Search in Files"?
I can't seem to find an advanced search in Windows 7. If I press Ctrl+F in Explorer, it just moves my cursor to the search box which seems to search file names and not inside of files.
February 9th, 2009 9:06pm

hi, go to start and in the progam search write an name of your search item, all items in pc with the name was indicaded
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February 9th, 2009 9:29pm

I don't think I understand.I don't know the name of my search item, which is why I need to "Search in Files" to find it.
February 9th, 2009 9:47pm

Under folder options, search , make sure that under what to search , the option to search contents is selected. Mine was by default and it search in files fine.
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February 10th, 2009 12:44am

May i ask? What are you looking for? file, folder, program?
February 10th, 2009 2:19am

A file. Mine is default but it's not showing what I'm searching for even though I know it's in this directory (searching for something I know exists as a test; it exists in event.ks but I'm getting no results found)
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February 10th, 2009 3:59am

hmmm... interesting so your saying that the file doesn't show up but does it give you other results or does it show just nothing? I.e. no results at all. Is the file hidden? I do agree tho, search isn't set out very well at all. Sorry i can't help much.
February 10th, 2009 4:33am

I don't get any results. The file is not hidden.Changing the event.ks file to event.TXT gets it found in the results correctly... but not if it's a .ks type.
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February 10th, 2009 4:36am

WOW i get no results either. hmm i wonder. could you try go start then type "search" and then select "change how windows searches". that will open up a window. on that window choose advanced and then click the tab that says "file type" and see if it is in the list of files if it is check it and then try your search again. there is something you can do but i can't remember it. will update when i find it again.hope this helps and yes it worked for me.Cheers Bentree.
February 10th, 2009 5:11am

The problem is that my source has so many files and different file types, that isn't a viable option to toggle everything file type on.
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February 10th, 2009 5:12am

Just a silly question but is the file in an indexed location?Cause if it isn't than search will not look in a file, it will only look at it's name.That's about all i can think of, other than that i am stuffed.Sorry to leave you in a creek with no paddle.
February 11th, 2009 1:18am

Well, "Users" is indexed and I assume anything under that. And the files are under that.
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February 11th, 2009 1:46am

Some file types only the properties of the file is searched, you have to go into the index options and set .ks to search file contents.Control Panel / Indexing Options / Advanced/ File Types scroll down to ks select itand change it to Index Properties and File Contents.
February 11th, 2009 2:29am

harolds said: Some file types only the properties of the file is searched, you have to go into the index options and set .ks to search file contents.Control Panel / Indexing Options / Advanced/ File Types scroll down to ks select itand change it to Index Properties and File Contents. Zeno McDohl said:The problem is that my source has so many files and different file types, that isn't a viable option to toggle everything file type on.
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February 11th, 2009 9:36am

Already with windows XP, I absolutely couldn't understand why Microsoft gives us such a rather poor windows search!In my case, I wanted to look inside files that had NO EXTENSION.But the windows search did not offer any kind of possibility to search inside files without an extension!?In the end, I hacked the registry adding a new "file" type, one without extension. And that did work.egman
February 12th, 2009 5:09am

Although Vista and Windows 7 indexes all files under the users USER directory, it will not display hidden files located in hidden directories.
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February 13th, 2009 12:53am

Hi, egads!Open notepad or some other editor and paste this:***Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.]@="_file"***Call the file file.reg, then import it to the registry.If you found this suggestion helpful, I would be pleased if you marked my post "helpful".At any rate, this little registry change helped me to search within extension-less files.Regards, egman
February 13th, 2009 2:12am

doesn't work for me just tells me that it will replace control panel.
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February 13th, 2009 3:54am

egads,go to:hkey_classes_rootcreate a new key called "." (just a dot, without the quotes, of course)from the new key "." create a "string" (type: REG_SZ)then right click the new "default" entry, choose "modify" and enter: "_file", save it. That's all.egman
February 13th, 2009 5:08am

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